Contracts regulate almost everything we do, such as buying fresh bread at a bakery and paying off the installment on a car. But what is a contract?
Contract is:
a) An agreement with specific terms between two or more people or parties
b) In which on party makes a promise and
c) Where the other gives consideration or a value benefit.
The fundamental requirements of a contract are:
1- An offer
2- Acceptance of that offer
3- Mutual intent to enter legal relations
4- Capacity
5- Subject and signing of contract is legal
6- Absence of mistakes, fraud, undue influence and misrepresentations.
There are several types of contract, of which the main ones are:
Unilateral contract: Where the contract is open to the “whole world” and only need to communicate acceptance of the offer. An example: $55 reward for finding my pet cat. This contract is quite rare.
Bilateral contract: The most common type of contract. They are usually oral, but contract for land or real estate must, by law, be in writing. An example: If you repair my car I will pay you $500.
Conditional contract: These contracts are conditional on the occurrence of certain facts. An example: insurance contract – the company pays the indemnity only if the car involved in an accident.
Express and Implied Contract: Contracts are either made with express or defined terms, in with case they are express contract, or they exist implicitly. For ex. of an implied contract is when you get on a bus. The passenger and the bus conductor do not talk about there being a contract when the passenger pays the fare. But there is a contract because it is implicit that the payment is in exchange for the bus taking the passenger to its destination.
Mostrando postagens com marcador LEGAL ENGLISH. Mostrar todas as postagens
Mostrando postagens com marcador LEGAL ENGLISH. Mostrar todas as postagens
LAW: A system of rules that people are supposed to follow in a society or country.
The courts and police enforce this system of rules and punish people who break the law
LAW is a legal code is a written code of law that is enforced.
Lawyer is a professional who studies and argues the rule of law, and has special qualification to represent people in court or other legal action.
In U. States lawyer they used the Attorney and in U.K. they used the Solicitor.
The defense lawyer represents the person accused of a crime.
The prosecution lawyer represents the government side.
Case is a legal action that will be decided in a court of law.
Collocation: Court case> that will be heard in court.
Criminal case> involving a criminal act.
Civil case> under civil law.
Civil law: part of the law that deal with disagreements between private individuals.
Comes from two sources: The legislation (law created by the government) and The Common law (law based on previous legal decision and tradition)
Criminal law: is a system of law concerned with crimes and punishment of criminals.
Most criminal law is based on government legislation.
Contract law: sets rules on agreements to buy and sell items and services.
Property law: Are the states the right and obligations that a person has when they buy, sell or rent homes and buildings.
Trust law: sets out the rules for money that is put into an investment, such as pension funds.
Tort law: helps people to make claims for compensation when someone hurts them or their property.
Constitutional law: relates to the running of government and civil rights.
Administrative law: is used by citizens when they want to challenge government decision.
International law: is used to set out rules on how countries interact in areas such as trade environment or war.
The courts and police enforce this system of rules and punish people who break the law
LAW is a legal code is a written code of law that is enforced.
Lawyer is a professional who studies and argues the rule of law, and has special qualification to represent people in court or other legal action.
In U. States lawyer they used the Attorney and in U.K. they used the Solicitor.
The defense lawyer represents the person accused of a crime.
The prosecution lawyer represents the government side.
Case is a legal action that will be decided in a court of law.
Collocation: Court case> that will be heard in court.
Criminal case> involving a criminal act.
Civil case> under civil law.
Civil law: part of the law that deal with disagreements between private individuals.
Comes from two sources: The legislation (law created by the government) and The Common law (law based on previous legal decision and tradition)
Criminal law: is a system of law concerned with crimes and punishment of criminals.
Most criminal law is based on government legislation.
Contract law: sets rules on agreements to buy and sell items and services.
Property law: Are the states the right and obligations that a person has when they buy, sell or rent homes and buildings.
Trust law: sets out the rules for money that is put into an investment, such as pension funds.
Tort law: helps people to make claims for compensation when someone hurts them or their property.
Constitutional law: relates to the running of government and civil rights.
Administrative law: is used by citizens when they want to challenge government decision.
International law: is used to set out rules on how countries interact in areas such as trade environment or war.
Corporation or corporate law covers how to crate and regulate companies and corporations. A corporation is a group if individuals who are treated as legal entity.
The corporation can own, buy and sell property, sign, and sue and be sued.
Corporate law covers relationship among shareholders and management. It also regulates:
a) The duties that directors and officers have to the corporation.
b) When the company must hold shareholder votes and annual shareholder meeting;
c) The number and types of share the corporation can issue;
d) The dissolution of the corporation.
Corporation Law is not govern the relationship between the company and third parties: for this you need to refer to competition or antitrust law, environment law etc.
The corporation can own, buy and sell property, sign, and sue and be sued.
Corporate law covers relationship among shareholders and management. It also regulates:
a) The duties that directors and officers have to the corporation.
b) When the company must hold shareholder votes and annual shareholder meeting;
c) The number and types of share the corporation can issue;
d) The dissolution of the corporation.
Corporation Law is not govern the relationship between the company and third parties: for this you need to refer to competition or antitrust law, environment law etc.
Billing Terms
Some large law firms have cost departments which that charge clients.
Some employ draftpeople, who are specialized in drafting bills and deal with other matters for the firm such as taxation of costs.
Law firms normally charge hourly: this is based on the time the fee earners and anyone assisting them in engaged in the work.
Everyone must keep a detailed note of meetings, telephone calls and time spend on every file. In some firms, a fomal time recording system is used, incorporating either computer software or pre-printed time sheets.
In some cases the firms choose to charge a retainer. This is advance payment to an attorney for service to be performed, intended to ensure that lawyer will represent the client ant that the lawyer will be paid at the least that amount. Commonly in matters involving extensive work, the attorney and the client will sign a retainer agreement. The client can expect to pay more as the lawyer spends more time on the legal matter.
Most lawyers do not want to be owed money and wish to be paid either in advance or promptly as the work performed.
When dealing with litigation, the lawyer may also charge a contingency fee. Here in lawyer receives a percentage of money their client receives after settling or winning the case. Often contingency fee agreements, which are most commonly use in personal injury case, award the successful lawyer between 20% and 50 % of the amount recovered.
Lawyer representing defendants charged with crimes may not change contingency fees. In most US states, contingency fee agreements must be in writing.
However the lawyer firm choose to charge its clients, it must send the client a standard letter explaining those charges.
Termos de faturamento
Alguns escritórios de advocacia de grande porte têm departamentos de custos que os clientes que cobram.
Alguns draftpeople, que são especializados na elaboração de contas e tratar de outros assuntos para a empresa, tais como fixação das despesas.
Escritórios de advocacia normalmente carga horária: isto é baseado no tempo os assalariados taxa e quem os assista em engajados no trabalho.
Todos devem manter uma nota detalhada de reuniões, telefonemas e tempo gasto em cada arquivo. Em algumas empresas, um sistema de gravação fomal tempo é usado, incorporando um software de computador ou folhas pré-impressas tempo.
Em alguns casos as empresas optam por cobrar um retentor. Este é o pagamento adiantado a um advogado para o serviço a ser executado, destinados a assegurar que o advogado irá representar a formiga cliente que o advogado será pago pelo menos essa quantidade. Comumente em questões envolvendo um extenso trabalho, o advogado eo cliente assinará um contrato de avença. O cliente pode esperar para pagar mais que o advogado passa mais tempo sobre a questão legal.
A maioria dos advogados não querem ser deviam dinheiro e gostaria de ser pago antecipadamente ou imediatamente como o trabalho realizado.
Quando se trata de litígio, o advogado também pode cobrar uma taxa de contingência. Aqui no advogado recebe uma porcentagem do dinheiro de seus cliente recebe depois de se instalar ou ganhar o caso. Muitas vezes, os acordos de contingência taxa, que são mais comumente utilizados em caso de ferimento pessoal, adjudicar o advogado de sucesso entre 20% e 50% do montante recuperado.
Advogado que representa os réus acusados de crimes não podem alterar as taxas de contingência. Na maioria dos estados dos EUA, acordos de taxa de contingência deve ser por escrito.
No entanto, a empresa advogado optar por cobrar de seus clientes, ela deve enviar ao cliente uma carta padrão explicando as acusações.
Some employ draftpeople, who are specialized in drafting bills and deal with other matters for the firm such as taxation of costs.
Law firms normally charge hourly: this is based on the time the fee earners and anyone assisting them in engaged in the work.
Everyone must keep a detailed note of meetings, telephone calls and time spend on every file. In some firms, a fomal time recording system is used, incorporating either computer software or pre-printed time sheets.
In some cases the firms choose to charge a retainer. This is advance payment to an attorney for service to be performed, intended to ensure that lawyer will represent the client ant that the lawyer will be paid at the least that amount. Commonly in matters involving extensive work, the attorney and the client will sign a retainer agreement. The client can expect to pay more as the lawyer spends more time on the legal matter.
Most lawyers do not want to be owed money and wish to be paid either in advance or promptly as the work performed.
When dealing with litigation, the lawyer may also charge a contingency fee. Here in lawyer receives a percentage of money their client receives after settling or winning the case. Often contingency fee agreements, which are most commonly use in personal injury case, award the successful lawyer between 20% and 50 % of the amount recovered.
Lawyer representing defendants charged with crimes may not change contingency fees. In most US states, contingency fee agreements must be in writing.
However the lawyer firm choose to charge its clients, it must send the client a standard letter explaining those charges.
Termos de faturamento
Alguns escritórios de advocacia de grande porte têm departamentos de custos que os clientes que cobram.
Alguns draftpeople, que são especializados na elaboração de contas e tratar de outros assuntos para a empresa, tais como fixação das despesas.
Escritórios de advocacia normalmente carga horária: isto é baseado no tempo os assalariados taxa e quem os assista em engajados no trabalho.
Todos devem manter uma nota detalhada de reuniões, telefonemas e tempo gasto em cada arquivo. Em algumas empresas, um sistema de gravação fomal tempo é usado, incorporando um software de computador ou folhas pré-impressas tempo.
Em alguns casos as empresas optam por cobrar um retentor. Este é o pagamento adiantado a um advogado para o serviço a ser executado, destinados a assegurar que o advogado irá representar a formiga cliente que o advogado será pago pelo menos essa quantidade. Comumente em questões envolvendo um extenso trabalho, o advogado eo cliente assinará um contrato de avença. O cliente pode esperar para pagar mais que o advogado passa mais tempo sobre a questão legal.
A maioria dos advogados não querem ser deviam dinheiro e gostaria de ser pago antecipadamente ou imediatamente como o trabalho realizado.
Quando se trata de litígio, o advogado também pode cobrar uma taxa de contingência. Aqui no advogado recebe uma porcentagem do dinheiro de seus cliente recebe depois de se instalar ou ganhar o caso. Muitas vezes, os acordos de contingência taxa, que são mais comumente utilizados em caso de ferimento pessoal, adjudicar o advogado de sucesso entre 20% e 50% do montante recuperado.
Advogado que representa os réus acusados de crimes não podem alterar as taxas de contingência. Na maioria dos estados dos EUA, acordos de taxa de contingência deve ser por escrito.
No entanto, a empresa advogado optar por cobrar de seus clientes, ela deve enviar ao cliente uma carta padrão explicando as acusações.
A crime is a wrongdoing against the State; it is not necessarily against a private right. The State can punish people for criminal acts through measures that range from money penalties or fine to imprisonment and, in some countries, the death penalty.
For example:
Vandalism disturbs the public peace and security, so the State can bring a criminal action for crimes, but rarely do so.
Torts civil wrongs are wrongs committed against private citizens, but are not necessarily offenses against the State. The courts can remedy a tort by ordering the liable party to correct the wrong, discontinue an act or pay compensation or indemnity.
Crimes are normally a public wrong, done or committed with intent, negligence, or other mental element (usually defined by law).
The law also provides for punishment of the crime or recompense to society.
a) Treason: crimes against the State
b) Felonies: Serious crimes – usually punished by imprisonment
c) Misdemeanors: not so serious or petty crime – usually punished by a fine
In United Kingdom, crimes also fall into the three categories. They are:
a) Indictable offences
b) Triable either offences
c) Summary offences.
Crimes e Atos ilícitos
Crime é um delito contra o Estado, não é necessariamente contra o direito privado. O Estado pode punir as pessoas por atos criminosos, através de medidas que vão desde multas dinheiro ou multa à prisão e, em alguns países, a pena de morte.
Por exemplo:
Vandalismo perturba a paz e a segurança públicas, de modo que o Estado pode entrar com uma ação criminal por crimes, mas raramente o fazem.
Erros delitos civis são erros cometidos contra os cidadãos privados, mas não são necessariamente os crimes contra o Estado. Os tribunais podem resolver um ato ilícito por ordem do devedor para corrigir o errado, interromper um ato ou pagar uma compensação ou indenização.
Crimes são, normalmente, um mal público, feito ou com dolo,negligência, ou outras elemento mental (geralmente definido por lei).
A lei também prevê a punição do crime ou recompensa para a sociedade.
a) Traição: crimes contra o Estado
b) delitos: crimes graves - geralmente punidos com pena de prisão
c) Contravenções: o crime não tão grave ou pequeno - geralmente punidos com uma multa
No Reino Unido, os crimes também caem em três categorias. São eles:
a) crimes graves
b) pode ser julgado ou ofensas
c) crimes Resumo.
TREASON (traição) crimes against the State: spying, tax evasion, desertion, assassination of the President
FELONIES (delitos) serious crime: murder, army robb
MISDEMENORS (contravenções) crimes punished by a fine: desorderly conduct, speeding, trespass.
A crime is a wrongdoing against the State; it is not necessarily against a private right. The State can punish people for criminal acts through measures that range from money penalties or fine to imprisonment and, in some countries, the death penalty.
For example:
Vandalism disturbs the public peace and security, so the State can bring a criminal action for crimes, but rarely do so.
Torts civil wrongs are wrongs committed against private citizens, but are not necessarily offenses against the State. The courts can remedy a tort by ordering the liable party to correct the wrong, discontinue an act or pay compensation or indemnity.
Crimes are normally a public wrong, done or committed with intent, negligence, or other mental element (usually defined by law).
The law also provides for punishment of the crime or recompense to society.
a) Treason: crimes against the State
b) Felonies: Serious crimes – usually punished by imprisonment
c) Misdemeanors: not so serious or petty crime – usually punished by a fine
In United Kingdom, crimes also fall into the three categories. They are:
a) Indictable offences
b) Triable either offences
c) Summary offences.
Crimes e Atos ilícitos
Crime é um delito contra o Estado, não é necessariamente contra o direito privado. O Estado pode punir as pessoas por atos criminosos, através de medidas que vão desde multas dinheiro ou multa à prisão e, em alguns países, a pena de morte.
Por exemplo:
Vandalismo perturba a paz e a segurança públicas, de modo que o Estado pode entrar com uma ação criminal por crimes, mas raramente o fazem.
Erros delitos civis são erros cometidos contra os cidadãos privados, mas não são necessariamente os crimes contra o Estado. Os tribunais podem resolver um ato ilícito por ordem do devedor para corrigir o errado, interromper um ato ou pagar uma compensação ou indenização.
Crimes são, normalmente, um mal público, feito ou com dolo,negligência, ou outras elemento mental (geralmente definido por lei).
A lei também prevê a punição do crime ou recompensa para a sociedade.
a) Traição: crimes contra o Estado
b) delitos: crimes graves - geralmente punidos com pena de prisão
c) Contravenções: o crime não tão grave ou pequeno - geralmente punidos com uma multa
No Reino Unido, os crimes também caem em três categorias. São eles:
a) crimes graves
b) pode ser julgado ou ofensas
c) crimes Resumo.
TREASON (traição) crimes against the State: spying, tax evasion, desertion, assassination of the President
FELONIES (delitos) serious crime: murder, army robb
MISDEMENORS (contravenções) crimes punished by a fine: desorderly conduct, speeding, trespass.
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